

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.press; push down; keep one's hand on; keep a tight grip on

    • tā bǎ gài zi àn le xià qu


      He pressed down the lid.

    • tā bǎ tú dīng àn jìn mù tou li


      He pushed the thumbtack into the wood.

    • yī shēng yòng shǒu àn zhù bìng rén de shāng kǒu


      The doctor pressed his hands on the patient's wound.

  • 2

    prep.fmlaccording to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of

    • àn tā de shuō fa zhè jiàn shì shì nǐ men de cuò


      According to her, this is your fault.

    • àn jì huà zhè ge xiàng mù yuè dǐ wán gōng


      The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of the month.

    • tā zhǐ shì àn guī dìng bàn shì


      She is just following the rules.

  • 3

    v.put aside; leave aside; shelve

    • àn bīng bù dòng

      halt the troops and wait

    • lǎo shī àn xià zhè jiàn shì méi shuō


      The teacher put the matter aside.

    • tā àn xià zhè jiàn shì méi yǒu shàng bào


      He left the matter unreported.

  • 4

    v.restrain; refrain; control

    • tā àn bù zhù xīn tóu de nù huǒ


      He could not hold back his anger.

    • xiǎo nǚ hái àn bù zhù zì jǐ de hào qí xīn


      The little girl could not restrain her curiosity.

    • dǔ tú zǒng shì àn bù zhù zì jǐ tān lán de yù wàng


      A gambler always fails to control his greedy desire.

  • 5


    • yǒu yuán wén kě àn


      There's the original to refer to.

  • 6

    v.fml(of an editor or author) make comments; add notes

    • bǐ zhě àn


      author's note

Words and phrases with 按

Word usage

  • Note
    "按" is different from "按照". "按照" cannot be followed by single-syllable nouns. "按期完成" can be used instead of "按照期完成".

Similar-form characters to 按

Chinese Characters with pinyin àn

  • table; wooden saucer for serving meals
  • dark; hidden
  • lofty; shore
  • amine
  • dim; gloomy