HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

cóngcrowd together; clump

chuànstring together; string

cóng róng从容calm; plentiful

dài jià代价price; at the expense of something, such as the materials or effort necessary for the attainment of a goal

dài lǐ代理act for; representation

chuán dān传单leaflet

chuán shòu传授impart

chuán dá传达transmit; reception and registration of visitors at an organization, school, or factory

cì hou伺候serve

dǎo bì倒闭go bankrupt

chǔ bèi储备store for future use; reserve

chǔ cún储存lay in/up

chǔ xù储蓄save; savings

dǎngpolitical party; clique

còu he凑合gather together; piece together

chuàng yè创业do pioneering work

chuàng zuò创作create; literary or artistic work/creation

chuàng xīn创新blaze a new trail; creativity

chuàng lì创立found

prick; assassinate

chuī pěng吹捧flatter

chuī niú吹牛boast

chuǎn qì喘气breathe; take a short break

chuí zhí垂直be at right angles

chǔ fèn处分punish; handle

chǔ jìng处境situation

chǔ zhì处置deal with; punish

dà bu liǎo大不了at worst; serious

dà huǒ r大伙儿we all

dà tǐ大体roughly; general principle

dà yi大意careless

dà sì大肆wantonly

dà chén大臣minister

dà zhì大致chiefly; about

dǎo xiàng导向guide; guidance

dǎo dàn导弹guided missile

dǎo háng导航pilot

chuān liú bù xī川流不息pass by endlessly

dài lǐng带领lead; lead

chuáng dān床单bedclothes

dāng shì rén当事人litigant; person involved

dāng dài当代present age

dāng chū当初beginning

dāng qián当前be faced/confronted with; current

dāng wù zhī jí当务之急urgent matter

dāng chǎng当场on the spot

dāng xuǎn当选be elected

dāng miàn当面face to face

dé bù cháng shī得不偿失the game isn’t worth the candle

dé lì得力benefit from; capable

dé tiān dú hòu得天独厚be richly endowed by nature

dé zuì得罪displease

dài màn怠慢give cold-shoulder to somebody; neglect

cí shàn慈善charitable

cí xiáng慈祥kindly

dǎ zhàng打仗engage in a battle

dǎ jī打击hit; attack

dǎ bāo打包bale; unpack

dǎ guān si打官司engage in a lawsuit

dǎ jià打架come to blows

dǎ liè打猎go hunting

dǎ liang打量size up; think

dān bǎo担保assure; guarantee

cuò zhé挫折set back; defeat

dǎo luàn捣乱disturb;make trouble

cuōrub with hands

hang over; put up

dā dàng搭档cooperate; partner

dā pèi搭配collocation; cooperate

cuī cán摧残destroy

dàng àn档案files

dàng cì档次class

cì pǐn次品defective/inferior/shoddy products

cì xù次序order

dǎi tú歹徒ruffian

dàn jì淡季slack season

dàn shuǐ淡水fresh water

chuī yān炊烟smoke from cooking

dào qiè盗窃steal

cí dài磁带magnetic tape

cuō shāng磋商consult

dào gǔ稻谷paddy

chuān yuè穿越pass through

cuànflee; exile

dá fù答复give an answer; reply

dá biàn答辩reply

cū lǔ粗鲁boorish

chún jié纯洁purify; pure

chún cuì纯粹unadulterated; sheerly

dǎn qiè胆怯cowardly

cuì ruò脆弱fragile

chuán bó船舶boats and ships

dàn bái zhì蛋白质protein

chù fàn触犯offend

dàn shēng诞生emerge

dàn chén诞辰birthday

dá chéng达成reach an agreement

dài bǔ逮捕arrest

chuíweight; weight-shaped thing

cí xióng雌雄male and female; victory and defeat