Common separable words HSK PLUS

Here are some common separable words in Chinese.

shàng yǐn上瘾be addicted

zhòng shǔ中暑heatstroke; suffer from heatstroke

zhòng jì中计be taken in

zuò niè作孽do evil

gòng zhí供职hold office

zuò zhǔ做主decide; back up

rù wǔ入伍join up

chū lóng出笼come out of the steamer; put forth in large quantities

shā chē刹车brake; apply the brakes

jiǎn cǎi剪彩cut the ribbon

huà nóng化脓suppurate

mài yín卖淫sell sex

fā chóu发愁worry

fā hàn发汗induce perspiration

shòu lèi受累be put to much trouble

shòu zuì受罪endure hardships, tortures, rough conditions, etc.

kòu tóu叩头kowtow

kēng shēng吭声utter a sound

chuī niú吹牛boast

kǎ xiě咯血cough up blood

kū sāng哭丧wail at a funeral

chuǎn qì喘气breathe; take a short break

hè cǎi喝彩cheer

huí lóng回笼steam again; withdrawal from circulation

kuǎ tái垮台collapse

sāi chē塞车be caught/stuck in a traffic jam

hài sào害臊be bashful

jiù zhí就职assume/take office

chà diǎn r差点儿not good enough; almost

niàn fó念佛pray to Buddha

dǎ zhuāng打桩drive a pile into

dǎ yàng打烊put up the shutters

dǎ liè打猎go hunting

tóu lán投篮shoot

pāo máo抛锚drop/cast anchor; stop working

yā yùn押韵rhyme

lā kè拉客tout for business; take on passengers

lā shou拉手handle

lā xī拉稀have loose bowels; flinch

lā jù拉锯dragsaw; work a two-handed saw

guǎi wān拐弯turn; pursue a new course

guà hào挂号register for a number to keep order; send by registered post

dǎo luàn捣乱disturb;make trouble

pái lào排涝drain excessive water from a plot of farmland to protect farm crops from waterlogging

jiū xīn揪心be anxious; heartrending

gē qiǎn搁浅be grounded; deadlock

shuāi jiāo摔跤trip and fall; make a blunder

piē kāi撇开leave aside

sā niào撒尿pee

fàng xiě放血let blood; purposely make somebody bleed

liǎn cái敛财accumulate wealth by unfair mean

jìng lǐ敬礼salute

kuàng kè旷课play truant

jiào zhǔn校准calibrate

xiè qì泄气lose heart; pathetic

pào tāng泡汤hope dashed to pieces; make a soup

liū bīng溜冰skate; go roller-skating

piǎo bái漂白bleach

guàn jiāng灌浆grout; be in the milk

huī xīn灰心lose heart

diǎn jiàng点将call the muster roll of officers and assign them fighting tasks; name a person for a particular job

shā chē煞车tie down a load; halt

móu lì牟利seek personal profit/gain

shēng xiù生锈rust

yòng gōng用功work hard; hardworking

liú niàn留念do as a memento

liú shén留神take care

dào hàn盗汗perspire during sleep at night

xiāng zhòng相中take a fancy to

kān jiā看家look after the house; stock-in-trade

zháo liáng着凉catch a chill

zháo mí着迷be captivated

pò lì破例make an exception

suàn shù算数count; until

zǔ gé组阁set up/form/organize a cabinet; form/set up a leading group

jié zhàng结账settle accounts

gěi yǐ给以give

quē xí缺席be absent

fān fān翻番double

yù chú育雏feed young birds

méng yá萌芽sprout; germ

luò wǔ落伍fall behind the ranks; out of date

lào zhěn落枕have a stiff neck; touch the pillow

tān zāng贪赃accept bribes

chì jiǎo赤脚be barefooted; bare feet

qǐ hòng起哄gather together to create a disturbance/to stir up trouble; boo and hoot

tiào cáo跳槽leave its own manger to eat at another; job-hop

dūn diǎn蹲点work/stay at and investigate in a grass-roots unit for a period of time

zhuàn quān转圈circle

bì xié辟邪ward off evil spirits

tuì bù退步fall behind; room for manoeuvre

tōng jiān通奸commit adultery

chěng qiáng逞强flaunt/demonstrate one's superiority

zào niè造孽commit a sin; pitiful

yí niào遗尿enuresis

zāo yāng遭殃suffer

dù jīn镀金gold-plate; get gilded

kào lǒng靠拢draw close; build a close relationship with

zhòng jǔ中举pass the imperial examinations at the provincial level

xià zhào下诏issue an imperial edict