Zhong wen 3

Chinese textbooks
Vocabulary of Zhong wen 3.

yī huì r一会儿a little while; in a while

sān xīn èr yì三心二意be of two minds

zhuānconcentrated; monopolize

zhuān xīn专心concentrate one's attention

cóng qián从前earlier time

how many; a few

bié rén别人other people; someone else

engrave; a quarter

hǎnshout; call

guó wáng国王king

chéngcity; city wall

shēngsound; make a sound

shēngsound; make a sound

stop; dismiss from office

yǐ jīng已经already

gàn huó r干活儿work

nòngplay/fool with; do


zěn me怎么how; in a certain way


zhǎolook for; approach

zhuōhold; catch

gù yì故意deliberately

zuì hòu最后final; the last

gēnroot; offspring

gēn běn根本basic; root

deceive; bully

qī piàn欺骗deceive


wángking; highest rank of nobility in feudal times

cut the jade from the ore; manage

shēng qì生气take offence;life

yǎn lèi眼泪tears

ceremony; courtesy

lǐ mào礼貌politeness; courteous

lì kè立刻immediately

xiàosmile; ridicule

jiétie; knot

jié guǒ结果result; at last

měibeautiful; beautify

měi lì美丽beautiful

néngability; able

bèiquilt; cover

chéngsincere; sincerity

chéng shí诚实honest

huǎnglie; tell a lie


liánlink; involve

sòngaccompany somebody to his destination; give

diàofish with a hook and line; pursue

diào yú钓鱼angle; tricking people into falling for it

piàndeceive; cheat/swindle somebody of something

xiān huā鲜花fresh flower

gàntrunk; short for cadre

scatter; spill

jīnglongitude; warp