
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.class monitor

    • tā shì bān zhǎng


      She was the class monitor.

    • lǎo shī zhèng zài gēn bān zhǎng tán huà


      The teacher is talking to the monitor.

    • tā dāng xuǎn wéi bān zhǎng


      He was elected monitor.

  • 2

    n.squad leader

    • chuī shì bān bān zhǎng


      leader of the mess squad

    • tā men yī fāng miàn xiǎng qù yī yuàn kàn wàng bān zhǎng yī fāng miàn yòu pà yǐng xiǎng tā xiū xi


      On the one hand, they wanted very much to visit their squad leader in hospital. On the other hand, they didn't want to disturb his rest.

  • 3

    n.(work) team leader; group leader

    • dǎng wěi shū jì shì zhī wěi huì chéng yuán de bān zhǎng


      The secretary of the Party is the group leader of the group of people in the branch committee.

Word usage

  • "班长" is often matched with measure word "名"or"个"or"位".
    • 班长

      one monitor of the class

    • 班长

      one monitor of the class

    • 班长

      one monitor of the class