fǒu jué quán

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.power or right of veto

    • dòng yòng fǒu jué quán


      resort to the veto

    • yǒu fǒu jué quán


      have a veto

    • zhǔ xí duì suǒ yǒu de jué dìng dōu yōng yǒu fǒu jué quán


      The chairman has the power of veto on all decisions.

  • 2

    n.power by which the minority can veto a proposal of the majority, e.g. the veto power of the permanent member states of the United Nations Security Council

    • zhǐ yǒu zài lián hé guó ān lǐ huì shang tā cái yōng yǒu fǒu jué quán


      Only at the UN Security Council does Russia have a veto.

    • xiàn fǎ huì shòu yǔ zǒng tǒng fǒu jué quán


      The Constitution invests the president with the power of veto.