jiā jìng

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  • the title of the reign (1522-1566) of Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty

    • cóng jiā jìng chū nián qǐ wáng yáng míng xīn xué zài shè huì shàng chǎn shēng le jí qí guǎng fàn de yǐng xiǎng bìng xíng chéng yī gǔ zhòng gè tǐ chóng zì wǒ de zhé xué sī cháo jīn tiān xué shù jiè tōng cháng chēng zhī wéi míng dài xīn xué sī cháo


      From the first years of Jiajing, Wang's mind theory exerts a great influence in society and evolved a philosophical trend that emphasizes self-esteem and independence.