jiě tuō

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.free/extricate/liberate oneself; get rid of

    • zhū shì fēn rǎo lìng tā nán yǐ jiě tuō


      He cannot extricate himself from the confusion.

    • tā zhōng yú cóng yī qiè qiān lěi li jiě tuō chū lai le


      At last she was freed from all encumberances.

    • wǒ kě wàng cóng jiā tíng li jiě tuō chū lai


      I longed to be free of my family.

  • 2

    v.mukti; vimukta; moksha

  • 3

    v.absolve; exonerate; exculpate

    • cóng yī sōu chuán zhuǎn yí dào lìng yī sōu chuán hòu zuò xià lai fàng sōng yī xià shì yī zhǒng jiě tuō


      It was a relief, after transferring from ship to ship, to just sit and relax.

Word usage

  • Note
    "解脱" is different from "摆脱". "解脱" menas liberation from mental shackles or difficulties; "摆脱" means freedom from disadvantaged situations or unhealthy conditions.