léi zhui

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.encumbrance; burden; nuisance; bother

    • wǒ bù xiǎng zài zuò qīn qi de léi zhui le míng tiān jiù huí xiāng xia qù


      I don't want to be burdensome to my relatives any longer. I'll leave for the countryside tomorrow.

    • xíng li dài de duō le shì gè léi zhui


      Too much luggage is a nuisance.

    • lù shang ná zhe zhè me dà gè xíng li zhēn shi gè léi zhui


      Carrying such a big baggage on the road is really a burden.

  • 2

    v.trouble; be a burden

    • wǒ bù xiǎng zài léi zhui nǐ men le


      I don't want to trouble you any more.

  • 3

    adj.(of things) cumbersome; troublesome; (of writing) wordy; verbose

    • zhè duàn bào dào xiǎn de yǒu xiē léi zhui


      This report is too wordy.

    • léi zhui shì r


      troublesome matter

    • wén zhāng de kāi tóu tài léi zhui


      The beginning of the essay is wordy.

Word usage

  • Note
    "累赘" cannot be written as "累坠".
  • "累赘" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 累赘

      one encumbrance