páo zhì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.processing drugs; prepare medicinal herbs by roasting

    • páo zhì cǎo yào


      process herbs

  • 2

    v.derogcook up; make up; concoct; dish up; hatch

    • rú fǎ páo zhì


      act after the same fashion

    • páo zhì yú lùn


      stir up public opinion

    • páo zhì yīn móu


      concoct a plot

Word usage

  • Note
    "炮制" is different from "泡制". "炮制" is the process of making traditional Chinese medicine raw materials into medicines, and it also refers to making and preparing; "泡制" is a phrase that refers to making with water or other liquids.

Chinese words with pinyin pao zhi