ruò fēi

Chinese dictionary
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  • conj.were it not for; if not; but for; had it not been

    • ruò fēi qīn shēn jīng lì guo zěn huì zhī xiǎo qí zhōng gān kǔ


      You cannot appreciate the difficulty except through personal experience.

    • ruò fēi wǒ nà shí qīn yǎn kàn jiàn wǒ shì bù huì xiāng xìn de


      Were it not for the fact that I saw it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it.

    • tā jīng kǒng de shuō tā ruò fēi wú shén lùn zhě jiù shì bù kě zhī lùn zhě


      He claimed with horror that he was, if not an atheist, then an agnostic.

    • ruò fēi qīng chūn kǔ duǎn shuí huì xiǎng lái rì fāng zhǎng


      Youth is short. If not, Who will think of that there's so much time left?