shēn rù

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.go deep into; penetrate/probe into

    • tā kàn dào de bù guāng shì shì wù de biǎo miàn ér shì shēn rù dào shì wù de nèi bù


      He did not merely see the surface, but penetrated beneath.

    • jìn nián lái wǒ men duì zhè zhǒng jí bìng de liǎo jiě shēn rù duō le


      Our knowledge of the disease has advanced considerably over recent years.

    • jǐng fāng wèn le tā yī xiē shēn rù diào chá de wèn tí


      The police asked him some searching questions.

    • shēn rù tǐ zhì gǎi gé


      deepen the structural reform

  • 2

    adj.thorough; deep-going; in-depth

    • zhè ge wèn tí xū yào zuò shēn rù de diào chá yán jiū


      A thorough investigation will be made of the problem.

    • zhè cì huì yì cù shǐ tā gèng shēn rù de yán jiū nà ge kè tí


      The conference stimulated him to study the subject in more depth.

    • méi yǒu jī huì jìn xíng shēn rù tǎo lùn le


      There was no opportunity for further discussion.

Chinese words with pinyin shen ru