sōng kǒu

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.relax one's bite; unclench the jaws

    • liè quǎn diāo zhe tù zi bù sōng kǒu


      The hound is holding a hare in its mouth, and refuses to unclench its jaws.

    • tā yǎo zhe ròu bù sōng kǒu


      He chewed on the meat.

    • xiǎo māo yǎo zhe chèn shān bù sōng kǒu


      The kitten bit the shirt.

  • 2

    v.be less unyielding; give up (one's opinion)

    • wǒ yī sōng kǒu jiù dā ying le


      I relented and agreed.

    • tā xiāng xìn zhǐ yào zǒng chán zhe tā wèn tā jiù huì sōng kǒu


      He believed that he could wear her down if he only asked often enough.

    • tā zǒng suàn shì sōng kǒu le


      He give up his opinion finally.

Word usage

  • "松" and "口" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 猎犬野兔时间

      The hound had the hare in its mouth for a long time.

    • 软磨硬泡好久

      After my constant pestering for a long time, she relented.

    • 什么办法使?

      What did you do to soften her?