wǔ tái

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1


    • wǔ tái xiào guǒ fēi cháng hǎo


      The stage effect is very good.

    • tā jīn yè gào bié le wǔ tái


      He said goodbye to the stage tonight.

    • tā de wǔ tái biǎo yǎn shēng míng yuǎn bō


      His stage performances were legendary.

  • 2

    n.metaplace or scene of activity or conflict

    • tā qīng chu de biǎo míng tā wú yì tuì chū zhèng zhì wǔ tái


      He made it clear he had no intention of withdrawing from the political arena.

    • ào yùn huì shì zhǎn shì cǐ chóng gāo lǐ niàn de zhòng yào wǔ tái


      Olympic games play as an important arena to exhibit the sublime idea.

    • zhèng tán jué bù shì nǚ xìng dà xiǎn shēn shǒu de wéi yī wǔ tái


      Politics is by no means the only arena in which women are excelling.

Word usage

  • "舞台" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 舞台

      one stage