xún jǐng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.datedpoliceman; constable

    • xún jǐng de chēng hu shì cóng xún bǔ yī cí yǎn huà ér lái de


      The name patrolman evolved from the term "patrol arrest".

  • 2

    n.policeman on patrol to maintain public order

    • jǐng duì xī wàng zēng jiā piàn qū xún jǐng de shù liàng


      The force hopes to increase the number of its beat constables.

    • wǒ pài le biàn yī jǐng chá hé xún jǐng sōu chá zhè ge shè qū


      I got unis and plain clothes combing the neighborhood.