yān mò

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.be neglected; fall into oblivion

    • yān mò yōu chóu


      submerge one's worries

    • tā de hài xiū yān mò le tā de cái huá


      Her talent was submerged by her shyness.

  • 2


    • bā bǐ lún de wén míng zǎo yǐ yān mò


      The Babylonian civilization has long fallen into oblivion.

    • bì miǎn yān mò


      be rescued from oblivion

Word usage

  • Note
    "湮没" is different from "淹没". "淹没" means flooding or immersion, and it also metaphorically means "overwhelming" the sound. "湮没" is mainly used to indicate the burying of a person's reputation or deeds or the burying of things. "淹没" is more commonly used in spoken and written language, and "湮没" is used in written language.