zhuān jí

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.special album

    • tā yǐ jīng chū le liǎng zhāng gè rén zhuān jí


      She has had two albums published.

    • tā de zuì xīn zhuān jí shōu lù le tā suǒ yǒu de zuì jiā dān qǔ


      Her latest album is a compilation of all her best singles.

    • zhè zhāng zhuān jí zhōng shōu rù le tài duō fēi zhǔ liú yuè duì yǎn chàng de gē qǔ


      The album contained too many songs by marginal bands.

    • yīn yuè zhuān jí


      music album

Word usage

  • "专辑" is often matched with measure word "本"or"张".
    • 专辑

      one album

    • 专辑

      one album